National Oil Company (PNOC) is a government-owned and
controlled company which is engaged in exploration, exploitation and
development of all energy resources. PNOC EC, a
subsidiary of PNOC, is either the operator or partner in eight petroleum
service contracts covering an aggregate area of 57,630 km2,
currently the largest exploration acreage holding in the Philippine oil and gas
sector. Malampaya gas field, which provides almost 40% of the country’s power
source, was its biggest project and it’s planning to set up LNG facilities to
prepare of the depletion of Malampaya.
[last partial update : 02/28/2018] Macro and Overseas (a) US interest rate : 1.25 ~ 1.5%, May increase 3 times in 2018 (b) US 10 yr bond...
There was a fraud case where some group of people tried to sell forestland under Certificates of Stewardship Contracts (CSCs) by means of ...
It's a privately held company. 1. Company Information Company Name Mercury Group of Companies, Inc ...
Protocol Plate Number 1 is issued to the President 2 to the Vice President 3 to the Senate president 4 to the House speaker 5 to the ...
1. Company Information Company Name JAKA Group Ownership CEO: Katrina Ponce Enrile , a d...
This posting may contain out of date contents. For the updated or exact information, you should check or their official webs...
2017 remittance to national Treasury from GOCCs. More than P200 million 1. Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) : P5.39 billio...
This posting may contain out of date contents. For the updated or exact information, you should check or their official webs...