National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) is a compulsory health program for
employees who are included in the SSS. The NHIP basically provides health
insurance coverage for employees.
unified benefit package for all PhilHealth members is being implemented which
includes the following categories of personal health service such as room and
board charge, professional fee, laboratory fee, emergency and transfer service
fee, etc.
employer must remit to PhilHealth:
● The
employee's contribution to the NHIP, which the employer must deduct from the
employee's salary;
● The employer's share of the contribution to
the NHIP;
or refusal to deduct contributions from the employee's salary, or to remit the
complete employer's and employee's contribution to PhilHealth, is punishable by
a fine and by imprisonment.
maximum member contribution and employer counterpart per month are both
currently P100.
Notes: Many
employers provide extra private health insurance to their qualified employees
since the coverage of PhilHealth Benefits are very limited.