Sunday, January 7, 2018

Philippine VISA Types 1 - Non-immigrant Visa (9 Series)

Basically, there are two (2) kinds of Visas, immigrant and non-immigrant.
Visas under "Section 9" and "Section 47(A)(2) of the Philippine Immigration Acts of 1940 are non-immigrant Visas and "Section 13" defines immigrant Visas.

Non-immigrant Visa

It can be categorized further 9 series and special visa (47A2).
1. 9A (Tourist Visa)
It's for temporary visitors coming for business or for pleasure or for reasons of health.
The nationals of restricted (entry visa required) countries need to secure entry visa first but people from unrestricted (Visa free) countries can get initial 30 days 9A Visa at the immigration of the arrival airport.

a) restricted
- They can extend the Visa period till 24 months after entry. Extension can be applied 1, 2, 6 months period at a time.
- Some immigration branches doesn't accept the Visa extension, so you need to check first.

b) unrestricted
- Maximum 36 months stay.
- Initial period of stay may various based on the origin country. (7 days ~ 30 days)

Extension should be filed 7 days earlier the expiration. When you send representative, they should bring Special Power of Attorney (SPA), a authorization letter.
They need a passport valid at least 6 months. Return ticket or ticket for a third country is required.
Those who stays more than 59 days are required to apply ACR I-Card.

2. 9B
It's for a person in transit to a destination outside the Philippines.

3. 9C
It's for a seaman serving as such on a vessel arriving at a port of the Philippines and seeking to enter temporarily and solely in the pursuit of his calling as a seaman.

4. 9D
It's for an alien entitled to enter the Philippines under and in pursuance of the provisions of a treaty of commerce and navigation. As of now, available to nationals are those from the United States, Japan and Germany specifically to carry on commerce pursuant to an existing treaty, or a foreigner for the purpose of developing and directing the operations of a business in the Philippines.

5. 9E
It's for an accredited official of a foreign government recognized by the Government of the Philippines, his family, attendants, servants, and employees.

6. 9F (Student Visa)
It's for a student, higher than high school, having means sufficient for his education and support in the Philippines, who is at least eighteen years of age and who seeks to enter the Philippines temporarily and solely for the purpose of taking up a course of study higher than high school at a university, seminary, academy, college or school approved for such alien students by the Commissioner of Immigration;

* Special Study Permit (SSP) is for under 18 year old students or non-degree course students.
It's not a visa, so they also need to secure staying visa such as 9A.

7. 9G
It's for an alien coming to prearranged employment, his wife, and his unmarried children under
twenty-one years of age, if accompanying him or if following to join him within a period of six months from the date of his admission into the Philippines as a non-immigrant.
The maximum validity issued however is three (3) years and renewable thereafter.
You should downgrade the Visa when you resign/transfer since it's valid only while you are working with the company. (company-specific visa)

Basically, you should secure 9G first before start of the work but foreign nationals who have already
started to work while their 9(g) Visa or AEP is being processed should secure a Provisional Work
Permit (PWP). Alien Employment Permit (AEP) itself does not authorize a foreign national to work.
You should secure AEP / SWP or PWP from DOLE or BI to work. For 9G, AEP is the required document when apply 9G to the immigration.

Family members under 9G are granted same period of the 9G Visa.
- Family members cannot work.
- Children need not to apply a Student Visa or a SSP.

There two types of 9G, commercial and missionary. They have different requirements.



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