Philippines is roughly aiming baseload (70%), mid-merig (20%) and peak (10%) power mix. However DOE said that it will be flexible.
1. Baseload
Baseload generators meet some of country's continuous electricity demand, and produce at a constant rate, usually at a low cost. hey shut down or reduce power only to perform maintenance or repair. These plants produce electricity at the lowest cost of any type of power plant, and so are most economically used at maximum capacity. Most of them run on coal, natural gas and geothermal power on a 24-hour basis.
2. Mid-merit generators, mostly run on either gas, typically come on line when daily electricity demand picks up in the morning and they shut down when the demand drops off in the evening. A load-following power plant, also known as mid-merit, is a power plant that adjusts its power output as demand for electricity fluctuates throughout the day. Load-following plants are typically in-between base load and peaking power plants in efficiency, speed of startup and shutdown, construction cost, cost of electricity and capacity factor.
3. Peaking power plants, mainly oil-based facilities and renewable energy resources wind and solar, operate only during times of peak demand.
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