Notes: This area already have heavy traffic. Will they remove bus terminal all along the EDSA?
Notes: All the bad news for TEL nowadays. will they bring it to the court? It will be another burden if they regularize them.
3. The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) has entered into a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the Philippine Payments Management, Inc. (PPMI) The PPMI will be self-governing, with banks, e-money issuers, and financial technology firms policing their ranks in facilitating digital fund transfers. BSP will provide continuing guidance to PPMI for alignment of its policies, standards and rules with the NRPS (National Retail Payment System) framework and the PPMI undertakes to ensure proper implementation of the NRPS principles through its policies, strategies and rules.
Notes: a clearing house for e-payment? what does it mean? is it a payment gateway?