Notes: Other companies like ABS and GMA7 also use PDRs. I don't know but maybe they don't have this kind of provisions...."seek approval"? looks like same effect with the ownership but...what will be the conclusion in court?
Notes: It reminds me the TEL's ownership dispute. at that time, it was about classes of security. TEL win the dispute but...useless now since the government is trying to exclude teleco from 40% limit basket.
2. Overseas Filipino Bank, formerly Postal Savings Bank, will open in Jan 2018.
Notes: It's now a subsidiary of state-owned Land Bank of the Philippines. How many branches they have? What service will they provide? Will it affect money remittance company like I-Remit?
Maybe minimal for now. Banks cannot provide the convenience as remittance agency provide, especially accessibility.
3. Meralco formed a subsidiary focusing on electric veehicles (EVs), chargers and batteries. It plans to launch around 3~4k e-trikes initially.
Notes: How soon EVs will affect gas? Should I sell SHLPH, PCOR or PNX? Hmmm..Shell said it will open charging stations. every country is encouraging EVs. maybe it's a big trend but not sooner or later, i think. Electric industries may want it...
Notes: How soon EVs will affect gas? Should I sell SHLPH, PCOR or PNX? Hmmm..Shell said it will open charging stations. every country is encouraging EVs. maybe it's a big trend but not sooner or later, i think. Electric industries may want it...